Sea Transport
Sea transport:
As a unit operating in the field of cargo transportation, during the course of its operation, the Company always attaches great importance to the investment and development of the fleet, production equipment, and additional training of human resources. Therefore, in recent years, the Company has not only maintained but also developed the domestic and regional transportation market share, opened new business areas.
In terms of capital scale, tonnage of fleet tonnage and transport market share, VINASHIP is considered as one of the major shipping companies under the Vietnam National Shipping Lines. In terms of business performance, with the existing organizational model, inheriting a team of experienced crew members, capable management staff, Vinaship is also always in the top of successful enterprises. efficient members of production and business and high profit margin in Vietnam Maritime Corporation. The company has also established the brand name “VINASHIP” in the domestic transport market as well as in the international transport market, especially the import and export activities of Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries. and North Asia. The strategic partners and partners of the Company are large corporations, traders and importers of the region such as: agricultural products (Southern Food Corporation – VINAFOOD II, Thoresen Indochina SA, Bulog, NFA , Toepfer, Cargill, Samsung Logistic, Chayaporn Rice Co., Thailand…), coal (Thailand Anthracite Coal Co., Ltd, Teparak SA…), Clinker, gypsum (SCT, SCCC, Larfarge, DIC, ITC,…) , iron and steel (Vinakyoe, Lee Metal Group Singapore, Green Pacific Jakarta…); fertilizer (Philippine Phosphata Fertilizer Corporation, Mekatrade Asia Pte Ltd, MITCO Petronas Malaysia…).
Logistics services and multimodal transport agents: Along with the shipping business, Vinaship has actively developed logistics services and multimodal transport agents to exploit the strength of knowledge, experience and relations in the transport market. Vinaship has brought to the market prestigious and high quality logistics products and services that are trusted by domestic customers as well as foreign enterprises doing business in Vietnam.